Thursday, December 29, 2011

Adios 2011

Wow, what a year! Sometimes it's good to sit back and reflect and procrastinate.
  • Employment- My husband and I have been extremely blessed this past year. He landed a steady, full time job that although steals my time with him, allows us to pay the bills and not live in a cardboard box.
  • Molding Minds- I've been doing the same thing...putt-zing a long in First Grade Land trying to keep myself ...I mean them entertained. I love teaching, but I gotta tell ya it is down-right draining sometimes and completely and totally worth it... once June rolls around!
  • Godmother of the Year Award- My Goddaughter/niece was born this year! I never thought I could fall in love so quickly, but she stole my heart from the moment I met her. She's quite the cutie. I'm also not quite sure I can top her, so it looks like were not having any kids!
  • Homeowners- We became homeowners. After a long, agonizing process of dealing with government offices I didn't even know existed our house keys were finally handed over! That finally made adulthood feel real. That and rolling around on my carpeted living room!
  • Is there a Doctor in the House?- Why, funny you should ask that, yes, yes there is a doctor in the house. My sister (who I live vicariously through) passed her boards!